Seed Collection

Drop Watch Campaign

Every year acorns and seeds drop at a different time and pace. Help us map the acorns falling across the Potomac River region!

Oak Leaves
Seed Collection Icon
What: Seed Collection
Seed Collection Events icon
When: Sep. 10, 2024 12:00pm through Oct. 1, 2024 12:00pm

About The Event

It is almost that time of year again … acorn season with Tomorrow’s Trees! And we are calling on you to help us prepare for the autumn.

Every year acorns and seeds drop at a different time and pace. The first step before mobilizing volunteers for acorn collection is understanding when and where seeds are falling. That is why we are launching our Drop Watch Campaign!

Okay, what is a Drop Watch Campaign?

This campaign is a way for you to get involved without even leaving your neighborhood. Plus, it is only 3 steps.

  1. Take a walk in your area and look around at the trees. Maybe you notice a lot of acorns on the ground OR maybe you don’t notice on the path and they are all in the trees still!
  2. Next, take a picture of the seeds you see.
  3. Finally, upload that photo with any information you know to our form. And if you aren’t sure what kind of seed it is, that is okay too! And that is it.

Your observations will help our team determine when the best time to collect seeds is! This means your photos and information will contribute to reforesting the Potomac River region and improve local water quality. That is what I call a win-win!

I can’t wait to see what you find in your neighborhood! Plus, stay on the lookout for more information this fall on how you can get involved in collecting acorns.

About Potomac Conservancy

Founded in 1993, Potomac Conservancy is the region’s leading clean water advocate, fighting to ensure the Potomac River boasts clean drinking water, healthy lands, and vibrant communities.

Register for this event

Registration for this event is being managed on EventBrite. Click the button below to be directed to evenr registration.

Registration Closes October 1, 2024 at 12:00 pm